"Three Teachers Assisting Enterprises" Entering Lishui Economic Development Zone

 Time: 2023-07-11   Views: 0


Recently, Lishui City's "three teachers to help enterprises (workshops)" action entered Lishui Economic and Technological Development Zone, and 344 enterprises (workshops) in the park participated in this activity.


Ren Yiping, Deputy Director of Zhejiang Lishui Qinglian Certified Public Accountants, gave a comprehensive and systematic explanation of financial professional knowledge to everyone, focusing on the topic of "How to Strengthen Financial Management for Small and Medium sized Enterprises", from three aspects: the opinions of the Central Office of the State Council on further strengthening financial supervision work, the Company Law and other corporate entity laws, and financial analysis.


Wu Yousheng, Deputy Director of the Goods and Services Tax Department of the Municipal Taxation Bureau, gave a comprehensive introduction to the basic overview of value-added tax and the development process of value-added tax in China, with the title of "Interpretation of Value Added Tax Reform and Latest Preferential Policies". He also provided a detailed explanation of 10 latest value-added tax preferential policies, including the "Announcement on Further Strengthening the Implementation of the Ending Value Added Tax Deduction and Refund Policy" (Announcement No. 14 of the Taxation Bureau of the Ministry of Finance in 2022).


Lawyer Zheng Guotao, senior partner of equity of Beijing Yingke (Lishui) Law Firm, explained to everyone in detail the path of the employer to terminate the labor contract, the requirements of the labor union procedure for the employer to terminate the labor contract, the compliance of dimission management, the Financial compensation for dimission and the calculation of compensation, with the title of "Taking the post" and taking the "Leaving" as the title.

This activity is the second stop for Lishui's "three teachers to help enterprises (workshops)" to enter parks, buildings, projects and workshops in a coordinated manner. It is an important carrier for deepening the "two health" integrated reform and enabling enterprises. Through the "three teachers to help enterprises (workshops)" action, it provides enterprises (workshops) with policy consultation, financial support, legal health examination and other services, and solves urgent problems for enterprises (workshops) with high-quality services, To ensure the stability and quality of the economy.

This event strong response from party leaders and entrepreneurs in enterprises


Wang Qin

Secretary of the Party Branch of Lishui Fuxing Fabric Co., Ltd

Enterprises should attach great importance to enhancing the legal risk awareness of their management personnel. Through this training, I have learned about the legal risk points of employee resignation, as well as how to regulate the employment behavior of enterprises and promote harmonious development between labor and management.


Jin Xiaoyan

Office Director of Zhejiang Deliya Automation Manufacturing Co., Ltd

This legal training taught me how to handle contradictions and conflicts in labor relations, including how to formulate scientific and reasonable labor contracts and regulations, as well as how to protect the rights and interests of employees through reasonable salary systems and labor protection measures. In my future work, I will continue to learn and master relevant knowledge, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees.


Huang Xiang

Leader of the "Nanming Strong Enterprise" Political Commissar Team in Lishui Economic and Technological Development Zone and Secretary of the Party Branch of Lishui Bindi Fabric Co., Ltd

We have gained a lot from this coaching and training, especially in terms of corporate tax risks and legal risks. Our previous understanding still has many shortcomings, and through the teacher's explanation, we have made up for many knowledge gaps.


Zhu Yaofu

Leader of the "Nanming Voice" Propaganda Team in Lishui Economic and Technological Development Zone and Secretary of the Party Branch of Zhejiang Gaojing Automation Technology Co., Ltd

Through studying the origin, development, reform, and the latest preferential policies of value-added tax, I have gained an understanding of the collection, use, and other related content of value-added tax; By studying the management norms and legal risk points of resigned employees, higher requirements are put forward for establishing scientific human resource management in enterprises, providing solutions for building harmonious human resource relationships.


Deng Guowei

Leader of the "Secretary Deng" Studio in Lishui Economic Development Zone and Vice Chairman of Victor Power Equipment Co., Ltd

Lishui Economic and Technological Development Zone has taken advantage of the "Three Teachers Assisting Enterprises" initiative to carry out a unique tour of "Three Teachers Assisting Enterprises+Safety and Environmental Protection". This "Three Teachers Assisting Enterprises" action, a large number of accountants, lawyers, and tax experts have joined the political commissar team of the "Nanming Strong Enterprise" workshop and the "Nanming Strong Enterprise" propaganda team in the Economic and Technological Development Zone. They have gone deep into the enterprise's problem-solving, providing policy consultation, financial support, legal examination and other services, and providing strong support for the leapfrog high-quality development of the Economic and Technological Development Zone.


Zhan Xuxia

Secretary of the Second Joint Work Branch of Lijingyuan Non Public Enterprise and Financial Supervisor of Zhejiang Huaqi Zhengbang Automation Technology Co., Ltd

It is a great honor to participate in the "Three Teachers Assisting Enterprises" activity organized by the park, which has brought me great rewards. Enterprise owners and financial staff need to effectively enhance their legal awareness and learn to understand financial statements in order to effectively avoid tax risks and better promote the stable and high-quality green development of the company.

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